In 2024, we embarked on an exciting journey to host our first-ever Kids Camp, designed for 12 young anglers aged 9-13. Our goal was to spark a love for fly fishing and connect these kids with the natural beauty of our rivers. Through seven months of dedicated planning and community support, we surpassed our fundraising goal, raising nearly $9,500. This allowed us to provide scholarships for every participant and send each camper home with the tools and knowledge they needed to confidently begin their fly fishing adventure.
The camp was more than just a learning experience—it was a celebration of community and the outdoors. With the help of 18 local volunteer educators and guides, who generously donated over 200 hours of their time, the kids enjoyed three unforgettable days of hands-on lessons, river exploration, and skill-building.
The overwhelming success of our 2024 camp inspired us to grow. For 2025, we’re thrilled to expand the program by introducing two unique experiences: a Beginner’s Camp for first-time anglers and an Advanced Camp for returning participants eager to deepen their skills.
By investing in these young adventurers, we’re fostering a love for fly fishing and conservation that we hope will last a lifetime.
See the 2024 kids camp recap here
Would you like to make a financial donation to help us make kids camp a reality?
Or are you interested donating your time instead?
If there is another way you feel like you could help with our Kids Camp goals, please reach out to us at